Here's a list of little projects that I maintain. This probably isn't complete, but as I update stuff, I'll add it here, so the list should keep growing.
- Amazon S3 CFC – a little CFC for managing assets on Amazon's S3 service.
- Amazon CloudFront CFC – a little CFC for signing URLs for Amazon's CloudFront service.
- CFGroovy – a pluggable scriptlet engine for CFML focused on Groovy
- CFGroovy 1 – a Groovy scriptlet engine for CFML, including dynamic Hibernate persistence
- ComboBox – a JS combobox from the days of yore, and still kicking
- FB3 Lite – a lightweight HTML front controller framework a la Fusebox 3 and 5
- FlexChart – a simple SWF charting engine for AJAX apps
- IndentXml UDF – a simple UDF for pretty printing XML
- jQuery: Checkbox Range Selection – a jQuery plugin for selecting/deslecting ranges of checkboxes
- Query/Reporting DSLs – simple DSLs for query strings and comparative reports
- ReadGzippedText UDF – a fileRead corollary that reads gzipped text files
- Schema Tool – a tool for managing database schemata (and other stuff) across upgrades
- TransactionAdvice – a ColdSpring advice for applying transactionality to your beans