
MovableType goes Free / Open Source

MovableType has gone back to having a free version for personal use.  They're also going open source.  That's good news, as I really liked it back in the olden days.  WordPress has proven to be functional, but the architecture leaves something to be desired, and the full-runtime nature is good for authors but bad for [...]

Interesting @task Edition Breakdown

The operational support team where I work uses a product called @task for trouble tickets, and I'm currently build some Subversion/Trac integration pieces so that we can keep everything in sync between us (the developers) and them.  I saw they have a SOAP interface for the product, but made an interesting discovery: it's only available [...]

The Woes of Flex

I've been working on a big Flex project for a while now, and boy is it a pain. I have to give Adobe credit for making straightforward quite simple (linked DataGrids with drag'n'drop selection is a snap), but once you get past the basics of the framework, it gets cumbersome quickly. Flex 3 [...]

i wanna go wii, part three (FuzzyDates)

After a couple hours of packaging, I really need to go wii, so I threw one more little bit of code at Ben’s CFUNITED/Wii contest. This time it's a fuzzy date library with two UDFs: fuzzyDateFormat, and fuzzyTimespanFormat.  They do about what you'd expect (thing GMail's timestamp formatting or Trac's age formatting), and I [...]

i wanna go wii, part two (SchemaTool)

I've been using a little schema management tool for a while now, and thought I'd release it into the wild.  And I just submitted it to Ben's CFUNITED/Wii contest. The submitted build is available here, as well as on Ben's site (post-contest).
In a nutshell, the tool provides a home for storing all your schema [...]

i wanna go wii, part one (TransactionAdvice)

I relicensed my ColdSpring AOP transaction advice under the ASL and just submitted it to Ben's CFUNITED/Wii contest. The submitted build (with no significant changes aside from licensing) is available here, as well as on Ben's site (post-contest).

Dynamic Languages

Forta posted on CF being omitted from InfoWorld's article on dynamic languages. My question is "why should CF be on the list?" Let's compare CF against some others (I'm going to somewhat arbitrarily pick Python, Ruby, and Groovy as the main ones).
CF excels at JEE web presentation tier development. Python and Ruby [...]

TurboTax Browser Validation

I've used TurboTax Online to do my taxes for a number of years now, and quite like it.  This year, I noticed one really well-designed feature: browser validation.
If you've never used the app, the client side is a very js/css/remoting heavy HTML interface.  It's probably the best RIAs I've used, and it's been of that [...]

SVNKit Command Line Client

With the advent of Subversion 1.4, the working copy meta data changed, which means you can't mix 1.4 clients with earlier clients. Not a huge deal, in general, but I ran into it because I much prefer Subclipse 1.2 to 1.0, and 1.2 uses the Subversion 1.4 working copy structure, but CentOS packages a [...]

There is no Spoon

On my last post, Matthew Lesko posted a link to another blog post in a comment.  A very interesting article, and while I've never explicitly thought of it like that, it's my preferred style of doing things.  You have to do some preplanning or you're sunk, but in general, I prefer to have a set [...]