
Graph Limits Solution

After a little discussion in the comments of my previous entry that ended up with me having a long explanatory conversation with myself, I hit upon a solution that seems to be a good one.  In a nutshell, I needed to stop caring about the specific number of horizontal gridlines dividing the range, and just [...]

Computing Graph Limits

If you've ever drawn a graph (manually or with a computer), you know that you have to pick upper and lower bounds for the x and y axes based on the data points you're graphing.  Usually, this is a relatively simple matter, but, at least for me, it's proven to be a difficult problem to [...]

Prototype Patch

Prototype is JavaScript library, of a similar nature to Neuromancer, that I've been using of late.  It's got some really cool features that Neuromancer doesn't have (particularly when extended by, but it's not a complete replacement.  For example, no remoting support.  While working with it, I noticed that all POSTs were sent as urlencoded [...]

Subversion Rules!

I've been using Subversion for a while now.  Not sure exactly how long, but about a year, I'd guess.  Before that it was CVS for a number of years.  I have to say, first of all, if you're not using version control, start.  It's worth a bajillion times more than the few hours it'll take [...]

Atomic Commits to Version Control

As many know, I'm a strong (tee-hee) advocate of version control.  For everything.  Code, of course, configuration files, my GNUCash datafile, etc.  Basically, if it's important, and it's not several gigs of photos, music, or video, it's in version control.  Seems like overkill for a lot of things, but at the very least, it allows [...]

Firefox 1.5 Setup

I like Firefox.  A lot.  Enough to want to run three
copies concurrently, each with different options and different
purposes.  One for work, one for my personal stuff, and one for
some monitoring apps.  Main differences include two different
GMail sessions, some different prefs for auto find, and completely
different bookmarks, of course.
With 1.0.7, the setup was simple.  Just create [...]

Quote of the Day

From Sean Corfield's .sig: 
"Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying
to find easier ways to do something."
– Robert Heinlein
Amen to that.


I'm currently in the process of rebuilding my main app using ClearSilver,
and it's really slick. In a nutshell, it's a presentation layer (view)
for an MVC-style application.  Your controller (the 'C') uses the
model/backend (the 'M') to create a dataset that it passes to
ClearSilver (the 'V') to render the actual page.
This is a good idea for several [...]

Apache/SSL on OSX

I've been running Apache 2 from Server Logistics
on my PowerBook for quite a while now, and never had issues.  But
tonight I needed to set up an SSL host for some testing, and couldn't
get it to work.  Turns out there some weirdness with the SSL mutex
stuff, and there's an easy fix.  Just add
AcceptMutex    flock
to your httpd.conf, [...]

The Encapsulated Hack

As is pretty obvious, I'm a big fan of good OO design.  But I'm
a bigger fan of maintainable apps, and one of my favorite tricks when
evolving apps is what I call the "encapsulated hack."
Take, for
example, a CFC that needs access to an
application-scope variable.  What's the right solution? 
Package the variable up in such a way that [...]