
Mathematic Constraint Deduction

I did  Project Euler's problem 63 last night, and it was a good one:
The 5-digit number, 16807 = 7^5, is also a fifth power. Similarly, the 9-digit number, 134217728 = 8^9, is a ninth power.
How many n-digit positive integers exist which are also an nth power?
I love this sort of problem.  The algorithm for a [...]

My Dinner

Like most things, cooking is usually better done simply.

5 rashers of thick bacon
1 large sweet onion
1/2 green pepper
2 stalks celery
1 still-warm baguette
1 box rice pilaf (yeah, I know)

Put on some music (Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto #2 and Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini for me), and pour a glass of wine (but not the stuff I [...]

Hiking in the Gorge

Sunday is usually the day I get up and do laundry, because the only other time I have to do it is while the kids are sleeping.  They probably don't care, but laundry at bedtime bugs the hell out of me, so I try not to do it.  Today, however, was going to be different.  [...]

What is The Matrix?

It's control. And I've decided that the control is irrelevant. There are exactly three people in my life that I'll relinquish control to. Two of them don't yet reach my waist (that'll change), the other one can nearly look me in the eye (especially in heels). The first two pretty do, [...]

Crossing the Digital Line

I went and saw a movie (Yes Man – it was good) tonight for the first time in a long time.  The Dark Knight (also good) was the last, and before that Spiderman 3 (decent) and then Return of the King (good again), but I can't say for sure.  Lots of reasons to not go: [...]

I'm Speaking at CFUNITED

Just got official word from Liz that I'll be speaking at CFUNITED this year on Groovy and CFML integration.  Joe Rinehart was originally slated to speak on this topic, but we're splitting the topic into two sessions.  He'll be speaking on backing Flex with Groovy and I'll be speaking about the CFML side.

My Found Art Finder

I was bored tonight, so I found some art.  And being the good programmer, generalized it to create a tool for others to find their own art.  Here are a couple samples (dynamically generated):

You can also grab the source from Subversion.  It's quite simple, it's not very scalable, and dear god please let CF9 make [...] Accounts are Live!

And why am I writing about this?  Because it's also the first CFGroovy / Hibernate app we've deployed into production.  So how did this first real-world adventure go for my youngest project?  Just swimmingly.
The adoption was actually championed by Joshua since I was working on another project at the time.  We went skunk-works, helped Koen [...]

2008 in Numbers

Here are some numbers for 2008, in ascending order:

1 – birthdays I had
106 – blogs posts on
246 – tweets (I started halfway through the year)
366 – total days
411 – "real" email conversations (excluding all mailing lists)
458 – real comments on
1,609 – Google Talk conversations
1,627 – commits to my personal Subversion repository
2,084 – hours [...]

My Empty Inbox

This evening I ran across yet another person trying to do the "keep your inbox empty" thing, and one who thinks the task is somewhere between difficult and impractical.
I have two inboxes: Gmail for personal, Outlook for work.  They're both always empty, and I don't find it difficult at all.  As email comes in I [...]