
My Flex-based Chart Engine

I've been looking for a good charting mechanism for a few personal apps.   CFCHART works in some cases, but I usually opt for SVG, either rendered inline (i.e. SVG and XHTML interleaved in an XML doc) or rasterized into a PNG server-side via Batik.  Both solutions have their merits, but both also have a lot [...]

Schema Tool Update

I've updated my schema tool again, this time with some pretty significant changes.  Quick recap: the goal of the app is to manage your DB schema via managed code, rather than some external process, so you get transparent database upgrade to all environments as part of deploying a new version of your app.  Very handy [...]

Regular Expression Backreferences and the Non-Greedy Modifier

Update: James Allen caught a formatting bug. It seems WordPress doesn't like my coloring, and when present, swaps the double quotes for "smart quotes". I've removed the coloring, and it seem to be fine again.
Someone posted a question on CF-Talk about using backreferences in regular expression search strings. Not the replacement [...]

Why JavaScript (or really, ECMAScript)?

After my last post on CF and JS integration (via Rhino), I got several comments that can be summarized as "why?". I addressed the issue in a rather oblique manner in my last post; here's a more full treatment.
Before I start, I want to make incredibly clear that I'm not talking about a new [...]

The Rhino Is Coming … to fix CFML

Show of hands, how many people like CFML? Ok, how many like the ColdFusion Platform? What's the difference, you ask? CFML is a markup language that you do most CF Platform development in. You can use CFSCRIPT (which is ECMAScript-like) for certain things, but CFML is the Platform workhorse. The [...]

CF8 Structure Literal Gotcha

This one has gotten me several times.  With the new structure literal notation in CF8, you have to use equal signs between the key-value pairs.  In other places where you use key-value pairs (like passing named params to a UDF), you can use equals signs or colons, but not so with structure literals.
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I [...]

Cyclic Graph Safe CFDUMP Replacement? Check.

On the Fusebox 5 mailing list this evening, Brian Kotek mentioned the inability to CFDUMP the myFusebox object because CFDUMP can't handle the cyclic nature of the object's internal data structures. While dumping myFusebox (which is a CFC instance) is probably a "silly" thing to do (Sean Corfield from the same thread: "Mind you, [...]

Reflection on CF8's Image Tooling

I was really hoping for (though not really expecting) a nice simple solution to centering text on an image to show up as a result of the Wednesday Contest. Sadly, that wasn't the case. As you might guess, the contest was based on a real world use case that I had: gracefully [...]

Wednesday Contest Solution (pt. 2)

And here's the extra credit solution:
<cfif NOT isDefined("attributes")>
<cfset attributes = structNew() />
<cfset structAppend(attributes, form, false) />
<cfset structAppend(attributes, url, false) />
<cfparam name="attributes.width" default="100″ />
<cfparam name="attributes.height" default="100″ />
<cfparam name="attributes.backgroundColor" default="f7f7f7″ />
<cfparam name="attributes.borderColor" default="cccccc" />
<cfparam name="attributes.textColor" default="990000″ />
<cfparam name="attributes.text" default="Hello!" />
<cfparam name="attributes.textSize" default="16″ />
<cfparam name="attributes.textStyle" default="bolditalic" />
<cfparam name="attributes.textFont" default="courier new" />

<cfset fontArgs [...]

CFTHREAD is Sweet!

Just had my first occasion to use CFTHREAD in an app, and it's nice.  As part of rendering an image gallery, I wanted to ensure that the thumbnails (which are generated server-side) exist so that they the user doesn't have to wait for them to be auto-generated as they're requested.  Unfortunately, generating the thumbnails is [...]