
New Cyclic Data Structures Utility

Back in October I posed a fledgling cycle-safe CFDUMP replacement.  Today, I had need for that same anti-cycle processing in serializeJson, so I abstracted the processing out into a CFC that handles both breaking cycles (for serialization) as well as restoring them (for deserialization).  By running a cyclic data structure through the breakCycles method, you [...]

Report/Query DSLs Update

I've posted a simple demo app for both DSLs that you can play with. It's included in the distribution as index.cfm, so you'll get it if you pull down the source from SVN. I've also created a readme.txt file in the distribution with the text of my intro blog post.
I also made a [...]

Report/Query DSLs

I use a pair of stacked DSLs (Domain Specific Languages) for searching, reporting, and goal management in a couple applications. A discussion at work (with Joshua and Koen) provided the solution for the final piece I wanted to implement before releasing them. The first layer is for parsing query strings, and the latter [...]

The Custom Tag Body-Scope

I was working with FlexChart a little this evening and ran into an interesting situation with a potentially very useful solution. I don't claim to be the first to think of it, but it's the first time I've used/seen it.
I added a date preparation tag a while back, but I thought it'd be nicer [...]

New FlexChart Demo

I've updated the FlexChart demo to include display of the descriptor XML that is loaded into the chart, as well as providing a way to edit the XML inline and load your modified XML into the chart client-side.  In addition to being far easier to experiment with, it also showcases the the client-side redrawing of [...]

A Very Wonky Request/CFTHREAD Bug

Found some really interesting behaviour with CFTHREAD over the past couple days of testing.  Put this code into three browser tabs and run them concurrently (so you get three simultaneous requests which you can view the output of).  And ensure you have the CF Server Monitor open in a different window with monitoring enabled and [...]

Clickable FlexCharts

I just updated FlexChart with a 'click' callback.  You can now specify the name of a JavaScript function to be invoked when a data point on the chart is clicked.  The function is passed the ID of the chart, the series label, and the x and y values for the point, in that order.  Check [...]

CFTHREAD/Server Monitor Issue

I was working with CFTHREAD today, and found an interesting bug in ColdFusion.  I'd wager that it's within the monitoring stuff new in CF8, but I can't say that for sure.  Here's the problem:
Creating threads with CFTHREAD makes them appear in the server monitor, but they aren't removed from the server monitor when the terminate [...]

Critical Bug: Schema Tool

I discovered a critical bug in my schema tool this evening. During the refactoring I did last week to allow multiple persistence mechanisms (so it doesn't require a DB) I reintroduced a bug that I had fixed in the DB-only version.
If the first minor version of a migration (major version) throws an error, it [...]

More Flex Chart Goodness

This evening, I extended my Flex charting widget further.  The demo is still available, and I've posted a new ZIP archive of the source.   Here's a quick rundown of what's changed:

The custom tag is now called xmlchart.cfm, instead of just chart.cfm.  That's to make way for a different chart.cfm that provides an XML-less interface (like [...]