
Railo 3 Beta 2

Railo dropped a second beta last night. Get it here. They've also added a WAR download, though it only works when installed into an existing "express" installation. Hopefully that'll get addressed for the next release.
A couple shining points about the runtime:

Array and Struct literals (the [...] and {…} notation) are expressions, exactly [...]

Railo fixes Arrays and Structs

I just got a JIRA notice that Michael fixed Railo so that arrays and structs implement java.util.List and java.util.Map respectively. This is great news, because it means it's now possible to pass nested arrays and structs to Java APIs without having to manually rewrap them. From the ticket, it looks like the fix [...]

CFML and Groovy

So As I said in my last post, there's been a lot of talk about integrating CFML apps with other bits.  I've been playing with Groovy and Grails a fair amount (duh), as well has having a lot of conversations about it.  I've been trying to figure out what the best use case is for [...]


As is typically the case, CFUNITED has a pair of themes.  There's the conference theme, which, as always, is helping CF coders become more empowered by learning about new things (OO, using CFCs, learning frameworks, etc.), and then there's the "backtheme".  This year it's all don't use only CF.  Adobe's integrating Hibernate into CF9, Railo [...]

Scriptlets in CF Anyone?

My last post about Comparators via CF Groovy was simplistic in nature, but the underlying concept is incredibly powerful.  Here's a similar snippet (from the demo app), this time using a Comparator class:
Collections.sort(variables.a, new ReverseDateKeyComparator())
So what do we have here?  Why it's a snippet of Java embedded directly in your CFML page, and it gets [...]

Comparators in CF with Groovy

I don't know about anyone else, but wanting to create little ad hoc Java classes in my CF apps in a common occurrence for me.  With my CF Groovy project, it's both possible and very easy.  No Java, no compiling, no classloading hacks.
Here's a simple example.  I'm going to create an array of structs and [...]

CF Groovy

Those of you who remember CF Rhino will recognize the name for my latest little project. I whipped up a small proof-of-concept integration for Groovy into CF apps tonight while playing with some classloading issues within Groovy itself.
Groovy has a number of advantages for this type of integration of JavaScript, the biggest one being [...]

FB3 Lite Updates

After 6 months of use in the wild, I decided to consolidate and republish a couple mods I've made to the framework. The core functionality is unchanged, so for background, check my original post from last year. The enhancements, in no particular order, are as follows:

Changed the config at the top of index.cfm [...]

AmazonS3.cfc Update

I've updated my AmazonS3 CFC to include local caching of files. The new source is available here: amazons3.cfc.txt, or visit the project page.  The only public API change from the first version is the addition of an optional third parameter to the init method for specifying the local directory to use as a cache. [...]

My FB3 Lite

I was talking to Sandy Clark back at CFUNITED about how I still use a stripped-down FB3 for a lot of projects. She said I should publicize it, so here goes. At it's heart, it's a toolset for designing something that resembles a single-circuit FB3 application, but with some of the niceties (like [...]