Sudoku HiddenSingleStrategy

The next Sudoku solving strategy I want to dig into is called "hidden single".  Here's the implementation to start with:
class HiddenSingleStrategy implements Strategy {

static getTests() {
new Test(
'0' * 9 + '000200000' + '0' * 9 [...]

Testing LaTeX Support

I just set up the WordPress plugin so I can do some formula stuff here.  This is just a little test post with some example formulas taken from my sun/earth collision model.
Euler's Identity (at different sizes):
Gravitational Constant:
Force due to gravity:
Inline also works (e.g., ).
If you use shortcodes within a paragraph (e.g., [...]

Front Controllers Should NOT Extend Application.cfc

I've been playing with FW/1 a bit on a personal app, and it has proven incredibly frustrating due to multiple manifestations of a single problem: your Application.cfc HAS to extend the framework in order to use the framework.  My complaint really has nothing to do with FW/1 in particular, the exact same argument could be [...]

Goodbye JRun, Hello Tomcat

Last night I finally kicked JRun to the curb and replaced it with Tomcat on my personal server.  I knew JRun was a pig and that I'd get some improvements by switching, I'd just never gotten around to doing it.  I don't know why I waited.  Here are two graphs from my server, see if [...]

Interesting ColdFusion CFQuery "Feature"

And just to be clear, when I say "feature" I actually mean "completely broken behaviour," though for a change of pace it's not with the compiler.  Probably.  Hopefully.
Consider this innocent-seeming code:

insert into test (s) values (
'dsn_A – record 1'

Every CF app has this (or equivalent) in a [...]

Fusebox's Noose

From an email Sean Corfield sent to the Fusebox5 mailing list (
I just wanted to provide a brief update on [Fusebox and 4CFF]. 4CFF discussed Fusebox with TeraTech (specifically John Zhu of 4CFF and Michael Smith of TeraTech) and were unable to reach an agreement on Fusebox joining 4CFF. One particular sticking point was that [...]

WordPress 3.0

I just pulled down the latest and greatest from WordPress's SVN repository to give the new 3.0 code a whirl.  Specifically, I wanted to see what was happening around the and WPMU merge that is one of the big features of 3.0, since I run a bunch of blogs that I'd love to [...]

Sudoku GameRulesStrategy

A couple days ago I posted about implementing a Sudoku solver in Groovy as a sort of cross-training exercise, and promised to delve into the strategies a bit more.  So here's GameRulesStrategy:
class GameRulesStrategy implements Strategy {

static getTests() {
new Test(

Subclipse 1.6's AWESOME New Commit Dialog

I just upgrade to Subclipse 1.6 and it has an awesome new feature: diffs right in the commit dialog.  It seemed a common use case for myself that when it came time to commit, I'd open my commit dialog and cycle through the files writing my commit message in Kate because I couldn't type while [...]

Sudoku is Groovy

Last week I spent a bunch of time implementing Sudoku solving strategies in Groovy.  Actually a pretty interesting exercise, I thought.  Even the simple solving techniques/strategies require a bit of thought to generalize into code.  This might seems like a pointless exercise, but think of it a cross training.  Football players can't hope to compete [...]