Minor Schema Tool Update

I just committed a minor update to my award winning schema tool that allows you to write your migrations as CFM files, as well as CFCs and SQL files.  The naming convention is the same (migrationNNNNNN.cfm), and the entire file represents the only minor version for that migration step.
What I've found over time is that [...]

CFCOOKIE Bug in Railo

Found another minor bug in Railo today: CFCOOKIE doesn't accept a date passed to it's 'expires' attribute.  It happily accepts 'now', 'never', and a number of days, but not an actual date.  Submitted as JIRA-149.

Railo-147 Resolved

To quote my post Tuesday about Railo bug 147:
Railo has an issue with non-defaulted, non-required, numeric method arguments that are omitted from a call.  I added it as bug 147 in JIRA.
Turns out I was a bit incorrect – I'd forgotten that method was proxied by ColdSpring's AOP engine (which is exactly what's supposed to [...]

ColdFusion to Railo

Just completed my first port of a major app from ColdFusion to Railo.  Time elapsed from downloading the Railo WAR to my dev box to see if the app would run to reenabling the prod instance: 1.5 hours.
Downloaded the WAR, unpacked it into my webroot, unzipped a new Tomcat, set up a Context pointer to [...]

jQuery's Autocomplete's Undocumented source Option

Yesterday I replaced an instance of my ComboBox widget with a jQuery Autocomplete.  A sad day it was.  However, I saved a JS file and a few K of download, so it was worth it.  Unfortunately, it's missing a fairly important bit of functionality: the ability to order the list of options.
If you're doing an [...]

Eclipse and JUnit

I started building a little Java app this evenings.  First time I've done Java SE work in a long time, and it's kind of nice.  Not sure why I picked Java instead of Groovy, but whatever.  Probably the same reason people go home for the holidays.
In any case, being the good developer I am, after [...]

Are you a CF Rock Star?

Mentor Graphics (where I work) is looking for a top-notch CF/Flex/Java architect/developer to join our team.  There are five of us at the moment, and we need another one.  This is an on-site position in Wilsonville, OR (just south of Portland), and relocation assistance is available.
The "official" qualifications are pretty typical, and largely waive-able for [...]

Joe on ORM

Joe Rinehart made a very good post about the state of "ORM" in CFML.  Namely, that there isn't any.  There are several abstract persistence frameworks for CFCs, but no real ORM solutions.
Like Joe, I've been using Hibernate/Groovy to back a lot of CFML applications of late and it's wonderful.  Certainly not without some downsides, but [...]

Sleepy Groovy

I just finished whipping up a quick little expense tracking app for Heather and me, and I'm again amazed at how wonderful the development experience is with FB3Lite, ColdSpring, and CFGroovy (Groovy and Hibernate for CFML).  When I was finished with the core functionality, I couldn't figure out where the app was.  There were my [...]

The FlexChart Manifesto

The current state of web applications is a fragmented mess.  HTML is still the standard approach, but dynamic data loading with Ajax and application embedding with Flash are both incredibly popular, particularly for data-heavy applications.
HTML is great because it's easy to build and well understood by user agents, but you lack drawing capabilities.  SVG addressed [...]