Why ORM Transactions are Crucial

Continuing the transactions thread, I wanted to talk about a couple specific reasons that transactions are vitally important in ORM applications.  Even more than in raw-SQL applications.  I consider them mandatory anywhere, but I would argue that if you feel compelled to skip them for some reason, you'd be better off leaving them out of your SQL applications than your ORM applications.

But before I dive into the specifics, I wanted to point out a rather fundamental issue I see with the CFML community: transactions are an afterthought.  I've been using CFML for over a decade and the laissez faire approach to transactions never ceases to amaze me.  Not individual developers, mind you, I'm talking about CFML developers as a group.  If you look at the Spring documentation, for example, the first topic under "Data Access" is transactions.  Not DAO support, not JDBC, not ORM.  Transactions.  And that is absolutely the correct order.  We as a community need to get this one sorted.  It'll result in better CFML applications, richer CFML toolkits (like native transaction support in ColdSpring and others), improve the public opinion of CFML developers, and just generally be better all around.

Now back to transactions and ORM…

Reason #1

Let's assume for the moment that you're processing the submission of an account creation form (name, username, password) using CF9 ORM.  Here's some code you might use (minus any architecture and validation):

a = new com.site.Account();

This is pretty straightforward: create an Account instance, set the properties, and all entitySave().  So where does the actual INSERT statement happen?

No one knows!

It's possible that it'll happen at the entitySave() call (depending on how you're doing unique identifiers).  It's possible it'll happen at the end of the request (depending on how "this.ormsettings.flushAtRequestEnd" is set in Application.cfc).  It's possible it will never happen at all and the submitted data will be lost.

Egads!  Really?

Yes, really.

If we simply wrap that code with a transaction block, all our problems go away:

transaction {
  a = new com.site.Account();

Now we can state with complete certainty that by the time the transaction block closes not only will the INSERT have executed, but the new record is assured to be safely persisted within the database.  Thank goodness!

It's not all roses though, because using transaction blocks like this can screw with your sessions (ORM sessions, not the session scope).  Adobe has fixed the issue, but the initial CF9 bits are broken.  So you really want to use Hibernate transactions instead of CFML ones to avoid the issue.  If you use ColdSpring, I have a TransactionAdvice specifically for addressing this problem.  If not, you just need to write the above code like this:

txn = ormGetSession().beginTransaction();
try {
  a = new com.site.Account();
} catch (e) {
  throw e;

It's a couple extra lines of code, but it'll save your sanity – particularly on transactions that return a result which you want to manipulate later.  And really, you should just use ColdSpring to manage your service layer and use AOP to do it all magically.  :)

Reason #2

CF9 shipped with "this.ormsettings.flushAtRequestEnd = true" as the default, which means that side effects can trickle into your database without you being aware of them.  The first thing you should do in any CF9 ORM application is set flushAtRequestEnd to false.  In fact, stop reading and go do that right now for any existing applications you have as well.  I'll wait.

The primary reason you want this turned off is that you don't want changes being made to your database inadvertently.  If you're flushing at request end, innocently calling some setter somewhere (maybe as part of validation) will change your database.  Even worse, the change won't make it into the database until after the current request is complete, so you won't be aware of it until the next request at the earliest.  More likely, however, you won't notice in development and then your customer will call a week or two after production deployment and ask why all of the records have invalid values in some column or another.  Oops.

If you ignored my advice a couple paragraphs back, I beg of you, please go set flushAtRequestEnd to false.  Right now.

By disabling flushAtRequestEnd, changes to persistent entities will no longer make it to the database without your intervention.  Believe me when I say that this is the way it should be.  You, as the application developer, need to be in charge of when and what stuff is made persistent.  ORM is about removing the busy work of persistence, it's not about making you unaware of persistence.  There are two ways you can do it:

  1. ormFlush() – this will do a non-transactional flush of every modification in the current ORM session.  This is what flushAtRequestEnd invokes at the end of the request.  At least before you went and disabled it everywhere, right?  Right?
  2. transactions – allows wrapping of specific changes in a transactional context so the stuff you want get saved when you want.  Plus all the "normal" benefits.

Even if you're doing transactions manually, the work required on your part is pretty much identical for the two options, so can get all the benefits of transactionality for "free" by choosing that one.  And if you go with transactions, you can probably make things even easier by using AOP to apply them by default, basically freeing you from doing any work at all.

The bottom line is that transactions need to be a carefully considered part of any and every application.  And if you're using ORM (which is state based) instead of SQL (which is statement based), then it's even more important.

16 responses to “Why ORM Transactions are Crucial”

  1. John Allen

    This is a very very good post. Thanks.

  2. Allen

    I really appreciate this sort of discussion where we get away from the how-to on a low-level and look at the bigger picture. I take it the email thread on this got you thinking about it, eh?

    "By disabling flushAtRequestEnd, changes to persistent entities will no longer make it to the database without your intervention. Believe me when I say that this is the way it should be. You, as the application developer, need to be in charge of when and what stuff is made persistent. ORM is about removing the busy work of persistence, it's not about making you unaware of persistence."

    Would another way of putting this be that when the current state of data needs to be saved should be driven by the business rules?

  3. Jaime Metcher

    Very much agree with the sentiment – see http://lagod.id.au/blog/?p=43

    I do have to mildy disagree with these lines, though:

    "If you're flushing at request end, innocently calling some setter somewhere (maybe as part of validation) will change your database. Even worse, the change won't make it into the database until after the current request is complete, so you won't be aware of it until the next request at the earliest."

    There's a mental model here that in-memory state is separate from persistent state, and both have to be managed explicitly. I'd suggest one of the important functions of an ORM is to remove this distinction for persistent variables and relieve the application of that responsibility. When I call a setter, I expect the value to stay set – not revert back after some unspecified period of time (at the end of the request, session or application, depending on where I stored the variable). If I want to set a value temporarily, I use a temporary variable. It's not the only way to use ORM, but I think it's the most conceptually consistent.

  4. Jaime Metcher


    Gotcha. So the problem is, how to minimize damage from developers calling setters inappropriately, right? I think I do something similar to what you propose, although because I use native Hibernate the details are different – rather than turning off flush I wrap the entire view layer in a read-only transaction.


  5. John Whish

    Sorry if this is a dense question Barney, but can I do something like this (with flushatrequestend = false):

    a = new com.site.Account();
    txn = ormGetSession().beginTransaction();
    try {
    } catch (e) {
      throw e;

    If this is valid then it makes life a lot easier!


    - John

  6. John Whish

    Thanks Barney – I hadn't even considered lazy loading. That's a really good point!

  7. Johan

    Great post Barney – very good to know. Can you clarify what you mean by "Adobe has fixed the issue, but the initial CF9 bits are broken. " ?

    Does that mean in CF9 with latest HotFix/update (or next HF) we can use the CF transaction function and not ormGetSession().beginTransaction() or is it fixed in a yet to be released HF/update?


  8. Johan

    Thanks for clarifying.

  9. Johan

    @Barney – just out of interest – I use ormGetSession().beginTransaction() as you recommend and it works fine on MySQL and Derby (embedded CF version used for quick tests).

    However if I use thread.txn = ormGetSession().beginTransaction() where a separate thread is used to processes data in the background it works fine in MySQL by Derby cannot handle any requests until the thread processing is complete. It gives error like this: java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested.

    Its not a problem for my apps – just curious why Derby chokes.

  10. Johan
