I just set up the WordPress plugin so I can do some formula stuff here. This is just a little test post with some example formulas taken from my sun/earth collision model.
Euler's Identity (at different sizes):
Gravitational Constant:
Force due to gravity:
Inline also works (e.g., ).
If you use shortcodes within a paragraph (e.g., ) instead of the inline notation, you'll get a block. (This is a custom mod.)
Finally, if you put an inline in its own paragraph, it'll do this:
Unless you explicitly state that it is a block:
The reverse of that, as you'd expect, lets in-paragraph shortcodes work too (e.g., ).
If you want to see the raw , it's in the tooltip/title of the image. WordPress.com provides the encoding service, though the plugin supports a local/third-party image service as well.
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