You are browsing the archive for 2009.

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there.  In particular:

Barney and Peggy's mother

All these mothers too, of course:

Lindsay and Emery's mother
Richard, Thomas, Robert, Dorothy, Dolores, and Carolyn's mother
Susan, Thomas, Gerald, and Renee's late mother
Nikolai and Gabriel's mother
Adelaide's late mother
Adalina and Matteo's mother
Christopher, Moira, Iain, and Michaela's mother
Teresa, Matthew, Anthony, and Maggie's mother
Sally and Marie's mother
Sarah, [...]

The Kember Identity Hash

A few days ago I saw a tweet from Steve Withington about the Kember Identity Hash.  I whipped up a searcher in Groovy, just for the hell of it, and have been running it for the past couple days on my office machine when I'm not using it.  Aside from the sheer pointlessness of the [...]

What the Hell is Wrong With Me?

For the past month or so I've written more PHP than every other language combined.  That's including English.  Really.  Four separate WordPress projects (two standalone, two MU), one of which is a blogging platform for Mentor Graphics, and I'm up to my neck.  I'm a CFML developer by profession; I think I got off at [...]

WordPress MU – No Longer a Bare-Domain Nazi

A week or three ago I learned that WordPress MU was explicitly coded to refuse to run on a 'www' subdomain, instead forcing you to run it on the bare domain.  While running your website on the bare domain is certainly a reasonable thing to do, forcing users of your software to do it seemed, [...]

Irish Tunes means Irish Whiskey

At least according to Pandora.  I've not noticed music-tuned ads before, so maybe it's just a coincidence, but interesting none the less.  Or I'm just drunk and wishing I'd gone to Lacuna Coil and Disturbed with certain other CF guys.

MySQL Tuning

While tuning my new server, I came across an article on  MySQL tuning that does a really great job of laying out the main options that need to be tweaked, as well as explaining what they do.  It's several years old, but still applicable.  Also worth mentioning that MySQL ships with four "sample" configuration files [...]

Holding Out for a [MySQL] Hero

I've been fighting this god-forsaken query for a week, and can come up with absolutely no explaination for its behaviour.  Next time I see you, I'll buy you a beer if you can help me understand what's going on.  There are two tables involved, and here are their CREATE statements:
CREATE TABLE `sequence` ( — contains [...]

Don't Forget to Bounce Sendmail

When you change the hostname of your computer, you need to do two things: add a local alias to Sendmail's config and restart sendmail.  I'm pretty sure I've forgotten step two every time I've set up a new box, and my new server was no exception.  Fortunately, I finally remembered that that was the problem [...]

My Anal Retentiveness

I hate what stuff breaks.  I'll admit to punting on occasion, but I really do try to avoid that whenever possible.  While doing the FeedBurner stuff I went looking for site references, and found one on ColdFusion Bloggers that was quite interesting.  I'm one of the aggregated feeds, as you'd probably imagine, and have been [...]

Now Running FeedBurner

I set up FeedBurner for my main blog XML feed this afternoon.  Pretty painless, and it appears that everything is all hunky-dory.  However I figured I'd mention it in case there are problems so you'll know why.
Here's the Apache config I used (wrapped for readability):
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT}
RewriteRule ^/barneyblog/(feed(/atom|/rss)?/?|wp-rss2?.php)$


Why [...]