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Hibernate for CF (and a new TransactionAdvice)

Since I added Hibernate support to CF Groovy, I've been using that for pretty much all new development.  Oh, how nice it is.  The perm-gen issue is still lingering, but if after a few projects, I've realized that you don't actually end up touching your persistent entities that much, so it's not as big a [...]

Cadence Retracts Offer

Cadence has retracted it's offer to buy Mentor Graphics.  Good news for the company, and hopefully good news for me too.  The chaos should definitely decrease now that the "threat" has passed, but it'll take some time to get back to normal, I suspect.

The State of the Barney

Time for another "State of the Barney" post. They're usually a January staple, but oh well.
The past few weeks (since the end of June, really) have carried significant unwanted stress because of the takeover bid for Mentor Graphics by our largest competitor. The odds of the deal actually going through are pretty slim, [...]

iPhone Coding

Yesterday I did my first bit of "real" coding on my iPhone. It actually worked pretty well, I thought, though having to switch keyboards for punctuation is definitely a drag.
I've been using MobileTerminal as my terminal client and it's pretty slick. Not a replacement for a real computer, but definitely sufficient for a [...]

iPhone and Wi-Fi

The wi-fi on the iPhone is totally kick ass. I was really impressed. At home I had to manually type in my long hex WEP key, but at work (where it's a pain) the phone detected an "enterprise wi-fi" network, prompted me for my Active Directory credentials and that was it. Note [...]

From My iPhone

From My iPhone

I finally got my iPhone 3G today, and am trying out the WordPress app. Typing kind of sucks, but I'll live. I've also attached a photo of my desk at the office, just to see how that works.

Weka Mining Update: It Works!

Weka Mining Update: It Works!

Back in April, I posted about how I was using Weka to do some asset prioritization.  The gist of it was that users would rank assets on a 1-5 scale, and then then the system would recommend other assets that it thought they'd like.  This is the Netflix problem, if you're familiar with that, though [...]

MX Unit is Slick

After seeing that MX Unit on Railo had some issues, I switched over to ColdFusion and I'm impressed.  Marc, Bill, et al have done a really great job.  They've resolved a number of issues that I had with CFCUnit, and really embraced the "Integrated" in "Integrated Development Environment."
I know I'm late to the party, but [...]

No MXUnit For Railo

I just pulled down the 1.0 release of MX Unit, and was most disappointed to see that it only works on ColdFusion:
no definition for the class … [coldfusion.cfc.CFCProxy] could be found
Since I do most of my CFML development on Railo now, it kind of leaves me stuck.  Fortunately, CFCUnit works flawlessly, but with it's definitely [...]

ColdFusion Struct Literals Fail Again

ColdFusion introduced CFML struct and array literals in CF 8.  They sucked.  Assignment only, no nesting, and the use of '=' for key-name pairs instead of ':', like every other language including other parts of CFML.  CF 8.0.1 fixed the nesting issue, but not the others.  I've been trying to figure out why it's an [...]