You are browsing the archive for 2007.

Speed vs. Cadence Chart

Just deployed a new Speed vs. Cadence chart on gpsRacr.com.  The chart is rather tangential to the ongoing development of the site (as rendering it cleanly requires significant manual babying of the data, both during recording and for selecting what to present), so it probably won't get updated again.  But it was a good exercise [...]

gpsRacr.com Has Content!

I finally got the import and summarization routines done for gpsRacr.com, and the initial data model is fully populatable (yes, I know that's not a word) from MotionBased transport packets.  That opens the door to finally start visualizing stuff, which is awesome.  First thing was plotting a speed vs. cadence chart, which is currently displayed [...]


Ever wanted to know what the request timeout is for the currently-running ColdFusion request? The static 'getRequestTimeout()' method on the 'coldfusion.runtime.RequestMonitor' class knows. Tested to work on both CF7 and CF8.
Why might you want to know? So you can set a request timeout, but only if it's not lower than what is [...]

JavaScript. At Last.

Working on gpsracr.com this evening, and whipped open my favorite chunk of JS: Prototype. It just gets better all the time. They've added support for automatically executing text that is returned from an Ajax.Request with an appropriate MIME type (like text/javascript), which means you don't even need result handlers. Just dispatch to [...]

Back from Vacation

As you may have surmised, I've been on vacation, and a glorious vacation it was. As always with the Boisverts, good food was plentiful. Even with a significantly more active lifestyle than my usual state of existence, I'm sure I gained weight. But as nice as it is, it's always nice to [...]

readGZippedText() UDF

I needed to read in some gzipped text files from disk, so I wrote a little UDF to do it for me, and thought I'd share.  It uses Java to do the heavy lifting under the hood:
<cffunction name="readGZippedText" output="false" returntype="string">
<cfargument name="filename" type="string" required="true" />
<cfset var data = "" />
<cfset [...]

Schema Tool Update

Small update to the schema tool: it should now support MS SQL Server in addition to MySQL, courtesy of Joshua Frankamp. SQL Server doesn't have an unsigned int type and it requires a column list on INSERT statements. Based on his patch, I've fixed the syntax so that it'll work on both platforms [...]

After a Day on the Edge

After a day of using my new Edge, a couple thoughts:

As expected, the distance/speed measurements are slightly low, because it assumes traveling in a straight line between checkpoints, so you lose a little bit of distance going around corners.  Compared with my "normal" computer that uses a wheel sensor, the error is about 1.5%, though [...]

My New Toy (and a Bug Fix)

As if I were lacking on the toy front, last night I picked up a Garmin Edge 305 bicycle computer. I'd been looking for a GPS data logger for a while, and this one is pretty much exactly what I'm looking for. In addition to the time/lat/long/elevation track points, it also has a [...]

Google Browser Sync

If you're like me you use Firefox on a bunch of different computers, and often multiple profiles on a single computer.  Most of my settings I want to keep separate, but I wanted to keep my bookmarks synced across all my instances.  Enter Google Browser Sync, a little plugin that'll sync all kinds of settings [...]