You are browsing the archive for 2006.

Neuromancer [Re]Addition

A while back I need to do a standard form POST via Neuromancer, so I'd added a doFormPostRequest method to the JSRemote object.  I just needed it again, and for whatever reason, it hadn't made it's way into the core distribution.  So I merged my modded sources in (I love version control ; )), and [...]

Subversion Rules!

I've been using Subversion for a while now.  Not sure exactly how long, but about a year, I'd guess.  Before that it was CVS for a number of years.  I have to say, first of all, if you're not using version control, start.  It's worth a bajillion times more than the few hours it'll take [...]

Another Neuromancer Bug Fixed

Chris Philips found another Bug in Neuromancer today.  Computed numbers, returned as members of a struct, were always deserialized as null.  Literal numbers, however, were handled correctly.  While debugging the problem, I realized the methods with returntype="numeric" simply refused to run as well, for much the same reason.  Both glitches are now fixed.

As before, the [...]

Neuromancer Bug Fixed

 Chris Phillips found a bug in the Neuromancer 0.6.0beta today.  If you used the RemoteObjectLoader class (recommended), instead of the raw RemoteObjectFactory (way nasty), it was impossible to create multiple remote objects on a single page, because the RemoteObjectLoader class was not thread safe.  The first remote object created was always returned by every RemoteObjectLoader, [...]

Where have I been?

It's been a LONG time since I've posted, and I feel bad.  But hopefully I'll get back on track.
In the past two months, I've primarily been focused on designing new version of our main application.  For various reasons, we're moving away from CF and to a "pure" Java application.  While I'm not particularly happy to [...]

Aggregated by MXNA

I finally started reading MXNA a week or two ago, and thought I should submit this blog to it.  So I did, and I just got my confirmation email back saying I'm in. Yay me! 

Atomic Commits to Version Control

As many know, I'm a strong (tee-hee) advocate of version control.  For everything.  Code, of course, configuration files, my GNUCash datafile, etc.  Basically, if it's important, and it's not several gigs of photos, music, or video, it's in version control.  Seems like overkill for a lot of things, but at the very least, it allows [...]

Persistance CFC Generators

Last week a couple friends (Sim and Chris) and I were taking about persistence mechanisms and the benefits of each.  Obviously there's the inline SQL route, which is the more performant, and the most cumbersome to maintain.  At the other end are abstract persistence frameworks such as Arf! or Reactor which are designed for ease [...]

Firefox 1.5 Setup

I like Firefox.  A lot.  Enough to want to run three
copies concurrently, each with different options and different
purposes.  One for work, one for my personal stuff, and one for
some monitoring apps.  Main differences include two different
GMail sessions, some different prefs for auto find, and completely
different bookmarks, of course.
With 1.0.7, the setup was simple.  Just create [...]

I'm Back!

The move is over, I've got an internet connection again, and life is
returning to normal.  All in all, the move went pretty well, and
we've pretty much got the house unpacked.  There's some boxes
still lingering, but most of them are stuff that we don't really need
(Christmas decorations, LEGOs, etc.).
I'll eventually fall back
into a routine, hopefully blogging [...]