You are browsing the archive for 2006.

Google Calendar Quick Add

When Google Calendar went public a couple days ago, I finally got to abandon my Yahoo! account for good, which doesn't pain me one little bit.  Nice interface, kind of rough in places, but it's brand friggin' new, so it's expected.  Fortunately, I was able to export/import all my events from Yahoo! directly into Google [...]

Application Modelling

For the past month or so, I've been largely immersed in modelling a totally new version of PIER.  I've done some modellling in the past, but never a soup-to-nuts model of a brand new application.  After getting most of the domain model's class diagrams fleshed out, and starting to go back over it fixing problems, [...]

Neuromancer Update

Rob did a bunch of work with Neuromancer last night, including appying a nice template to the site, setting up a wiki (available from the site), and committing a bunch of changes that he'd made since the 0.6.0beta was released in December, but which hadn't made it into Subversion yet.  Finally, he added automated nightly [...]

GTalk Enabled

I'm now GTalk enabled with my actual IM client (gaim), rather than just inside the GMail interface (which doesn't work very well).  So if you want to message me, my username is bboisvert, and I'll probably actually respond!  I can also be reached on ICQ at 4965668, AIM at se7777777n, MSN at barneyboisvert@hotmail.com, and (unfortunately) [...]

Graph Limits Solution

After a little discussion in the comments of my previous entry that ended up with me having a long explanatory conversation with myself, I hit upon a solution that seems to be a good one.  In a nutshell, I needed to stop caring about the specific number of horizontal gridlines dividing the range, and just [...]

Computing Graph Limits

If you've ever drawn a graph (manually or with a computer), you know that you have to pick upper and lower bounds for the x and y axes based on the data points you're graphing.  Usually, this is a relatively simple matter, but, at least for me, it's proven to be a difficult problem to [...]

Prototype Patch

Prototype is JavaScript library, of a similar nature to Neuromancer, that I've been using of late.  It's got some really cool features that Neuromancer doesn't have (particularly when extended by Script.aculo.us), but it's not a complete replacement.  For example, no remoting support.  While working with it, I noticed that all POSTs were sent as urlencoded [...]

Tabbed Documents

I was doing some prototyping today, and wanted to save four individual text buffers as a tabbed document.  More specifically, I wanted to save the four buffers as a single file with four sections, and when reopened, have the four sections load into four separate buffers (tabs) in the editor.
Excel has had this feature for [...]

Neuromancer Again

While working on my CFUG preso for this month, I found another bug: dates weren't handled properly coming back from web service calls.  So I added support for them.  Patch file for js/io/RemoteObject.js below, or you can get the update and supporting test scripts from Subversion.
Index: RemoteObject.js
— RemoteObject.js (revision 10)
+++ RemoteObject.js [...]

To BlogCFC or not to BlogCFC…

Currently my blog (along with my wife's, my sister's, and my sister-in-law's), runs on a custom amalgamation of technologies: MovableType in a 'service' role, custom JSP frontend, custom CFML admin area.
As happens to nearly every small personal project that evolves over several years, the piecemeal nature of the system is starting to be a burden.  [...]