You are browsing the archive for 2006.

An Apple a Day…

Round N in the Barney vs. Apple battle played out this evening.  Far less significant than my unending PowerBook issues (grey screens, refusal to accept RAM, etc.), but annoying none the less.
I "won" an iPod shuffle down at the Wild Kingdom exhibit the Rose Festival last week, and installed iTunes on my PC (which is [...]

More Batik Goodness

Last October I posted about using ColdFusion and Batik together to convert dynamically generated SVG content into PNGs for easier consumption. Well thanks to a little more digging and a post by Christian Cantrell, I've improved upon it further.
context = getPageContext();
response = context.getResponse().getResponse();
transcoder = [...]

EmailReader Details

Nathan Strutz commented on my last post about EmailReader that he didn't "get" it.  Looking back, I realized I didn't bother to communicate it's purpose very clearly in my post, so here's another one that should do a better job.
EmailReader is designed for being run from a scheduled task to do "something", where "something" is [...]

New Adobe.com and the Power of Flash

As is old news by now, the new Adobe.com is live, and they've done a great job.  In my mind, definitely eclipsing either the old Adobe.com or Macromedia.com in terms of design.  However, the demons of Flash bite again, and come with a huge helping of irony since Adobe is the purveyor:

EmailReader CFC 0.1 Nearing Completion

The first feature complete version of my EmailReader component is nearing completion.  I've got it all working with the exception of attachment and message deletion, and it's looking pretty nice.
I'd originally planned on making it an "abstract" base class that you would extend to add your application-specific functionality.  However, like so many initial designs, further [...]

Fusebox 5 is Alive!

Sean's done a great job with the Fusebox 5 cores (as if anyone had any doubt), and released Alpha 2 to the mailing list this week.  There've been a few little issues, but nothing major, and I'm happy to say I'm now running two production apps on the new version.
Both are stock _VC FB4.1 apps, [...]

CFPOP and Emailing Pictures to my Blog

I used CFPOP for the first time ever this evening.  Kind of surprising that I've never had occasion to use it in 6 years of full-time CF development, now that I think about it.  Once again, CFML makes it easy (or at least straightforward) to accomplish what is a horribly nasty task.
Anyway, I just got [...]

Trac Patch for Mid Air Collision Bug

Trac, for those of you who don't know, is a simple but powerful project management tool that sits atop a Subversion repository and does all kinds of neat things.  Ticket tracking is on, release scheduling, an integrated wiki, and source browsing, all wrapped up in a nice package.  If you're not using Subversion, Trac is [...]

Neuromancer 0.6.5 Released

Neuromancer 0.6.5 has been released, and is available for download.  Along with the changes I've mentioned in previous posts, there are a few goodies from Rob in there.
We're in the process of finalizing some API changes that will comprise the next release.  As the project has evolved, the initial design has put forth a few [...]

JS Remoting PDX-CFUG Presentation

Last Thursday I presented at the PDX CFUG on JS remoting and composite UIs.  I've uploaded my presentation and example code as a ZIP archive, and also made it available for direct preview.
Thanks to all who attended, and my apologies for having to jet out of there in such a rush, but the whole "getting [...]