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ColdFusion and Java

No, this is not "that" post.
Since my post a while back about the new features of Java 5 (or Java 2 1.5 5.0 SE, or whatever the hell it's called), Sean Corfield and I have had a couple IM discussions about languages, development environments, developer mindset, tool support, frameworks, and various other things.
We were talking [...]


Over at Damon Cooper's blog, he's soliciting comments on the ultimate CF IDE.  What surprised me was the number of requests for a CF debugger.  CF Studio had one, way back in the day, and apparently people still miss it.
On a similar note, I've been doing a lot of Java development in Eclipse of late, [...]

CAPTCHA – eeeewwwww

Dave Shuck posted about making CAPTCHA easier on your users this morning.  While I can see the point, CAPTCHA sucks.  I can't even tell you how many times I go to post something somewhere, see a CAPTCHA image and hit the Back button.  It's not that it's terribly difficult to deal with usually, but the [...]

Eclipse/Ant Trick

Eclipse has very nice Ant integration, letting you rrun a build file from the context menu all over the place, either via a dialog for selecting the specific target, or using the last/default target.  What I didn't know until today, however, is that you can right click on a target in the Outline view and [...]


I just got an email from another CF developer looking for the CFCDoc tool that Spike and I wrote a while back.  It's still available on Spike's site, but I've posted it here as well.
In a nutshell, it's a Javadoc-style tool for CFCs.  Unlike Javadoc, it doesn't generate a bunch of static HTML files, but [...]

Sudoku Anyone?

For my birthday last month, Heather (my wife) got me a book of Sudoku puzzles.  If you like puzzles and haven't tried Sudoku, highly recommended.  Simple and fun.
However, being the good computer geek that I am, I quickly decided that it'd be a heck of a lot easier to let the computer solve them for [...]

AJAX Anti-Example

US Airways has a AJAXy interface for their homepage, but don't follow their example.  Try, for example, searching for the status of flight 8022 (from Philidelphia, PA to Portland, OR) today.  That happens to be the flight my sister and her family are on at this very moment.
You might try entering the flight number (knowing [...]

CFEclipse 1.3 Beta

So I went to download the CFEclipse 1.3 beta today, and much to my chagrin, it requires Eclipse 3.2, which isn't even an official Eclipse release yet.  I really wanted the dynamic autocompletion stuff, but having to rebuilt my entire Eclipse installation is hardly worth it.  Maybe once it goes gold, but not for a [...]

Mike's 6:45am Phone Call

If your name is Mike, you called me at 6:45 am Pacific time and said something about queries of queries and then gave me your phone number, please call me back.  In my sleepy stupor failed to write down the number correctly, and calling it just says "the call cannot be completed as dialed".

All Hail Java 5

If you do any Java development and are stuck with Java 1.4, my condolences.  Java 5 is so amazingly better, and in relatively inconspicious ways.  For those of you not in the know, here's a highlight:

Generics: I've been waiting for these in Java since my undergraduate days down at the University of Arizona.  Roughly analogous [...]