CFPOP and Emailing Pictures to my Blog

I used CFPOP for the first time ever this evening.  Kind of surprising that I've never had occasion to use it in 6 years of full-time CF development, now that I think about it.  Once again, CFML makes it easy (or at least straightforward) to accomplish what is a horribly nasty task.

Anyway, I just got a new cell phone because my old one didn't have a speakerphone option, and now that I'm working remotely, I spend a lot of time on the phone.  What I didn't anticipate was that it has a camera as well.  Being the good geek that I am, I decided to implement an "email pictures to my blog" thingy, so I can take a picture with the phone, email it off to a designated address, and it'll get automatically posted to my blog.

As always, design comes first, so I'll be releasing a resusable component to perform all the nasty work should anyone else want to incorporate the same feature into their blog.  Just extend it to provide your blog-specific posting implementation, set up a scheduled task so it fires regularly, and the rest will happen by magic.  But that's not ready yet.  ; )

8 responses to “CFPOP and Emailing Pictures to my Blog”

  1. Tjarko

    I've got a complete working sample that even makes thumbnails with cfx_image dll. If you like I could post the script??

    Also make sure you check the senders e-mail.. otherwise everyone could send an e-mail to your address that will end up on your blog.

    See (Dutch) to see posting made with my phone as e-mails

  2. Barney


    I'm not worrying about thumbnails – that's up to your blog's infrastructure. My component will solely deal with getting the image and passing it to the blog software. I will be checking senders, of course, and that information (along with some in-subject tags) will be available as part of the data the component passes to the blog.

  3. Carrie

    So do we get to actually see any of these pictures yet? Am I just asking for trouble here?

  4. Barney

    No, not yet. Still haven't finished building it, nor integrating it into the blog. But soon. Once American Idol is over, my casual coding time diminishes markedly, so time is of the essence.

  5. tanshul

    hey der….m new to coldfusion but m supposd to make an application where by il hav to grab a csv attachment n post to website..any ideas :) an email would be appreciated,thnks in advance

  6. sam

    hi, you can sendme this component to view and learn about this?

    Thank you