June 2005

You are browsing the archive for June 2005.

Couple MT Changes

I installed MT-Blacklist,
a comment and trackback spam filter a couple weeks ago.  Man does
it do it's job well.  Took a little training to get it catching
all the usual suspects, but just in the past few days it's caught over
a thousand spam comments.  So much nicer than having to delete
them manually.
Last night, I also installed MT-Notifier,
which [...]

Fink for Tiger

Last night I finally got Fink
installed on my newly Tiger-ed PowerBook.  Opted for the binary
install this time, and it worked like a charm.  Less than 40
minutes to go from noticing that a 10.4-specific release had been made
to having it all set up with X, Gnucash, the GImP, and the GNU
FileUtils package (for the color-aware ls [...]

Naming CFC Instance Variables

I was working on a little app of mine over the weekend that uses a
closed-source (encrypted) CFC for some of it's functionality.  The
CFC (which will go unnamed to protect the innocent), does a number of
things, but it's functionality wasn't quite "complete" enough for my
application, so I extended it to add a couple more features.  No
problem, [...]

Another CFML w/ Java Trick

I just wrote a script that would check for orphaned files in an
uploads directory.  Orphan meaning the file still exists, but the
database doesn't have record of it.  Those files needed to either
be reclaimed or deleted, but finding them is cumbersome (and slow!)
What I discovered is that CFDIRECTORY ACTION="list" is really slow if you just need [...]

PasswordSafe accesses the Internet??

Before I start, how many of you loyal readers out there use or have used PasswordSafe? If you would, leave me a comment, because I'm curious.
Anyway, I just got an email from a PasswordSafe user that said it was connecting to the internet every time he saved his data file. I'm not a [...]


Spike sent me this link to www.yubnub.org,
which endeavors to be a "command line for the web", as they put
it.  It's a pretty cool idea, really.  You create commands
that are implemented with web services, and then anyone can run your
commands via the shell.  Not sure if it has any real application,
but it's definitely an interesting use [...]

Death to DevNet Edition

So I just set up a CF7 server a week or two
ago and started moving one of my apps over to it.  We use the
CF6.1 DevNet edition on our dev servers, and it's great.  I
figured I'd do the same with CF7.  All going along great until I
start testing our admin area, which relies heavily on [...]