I'm mentioned a couple times before that I'm working on an abstract persistance framework loosely modeled after CMP entity beans (of EJB fame). Understandably, this requires some fairly complicated CFC work, including dynamically generating new CFC files and such.
However, BD seems totally unable to handle anything but the simplest of CFC usage, and I'm constantly plagued by random errors, particularly with locating CFC files. I'm quite tired of this, and while New Atlanta has been very understanding with trying to get bugs ironed out (much moreso that Macromedia, though they've also got a lot more bugs to squash), I'm sick of spending my time helping a company improve it's commercial offerings for free.
So, I'm beginning a crusade to eliminate my BlueDragon dependance once and for all. If anyone has any consulting work they need done, please let me know. Doesn't have to be much, just as long as it pays. Total cost of CF (with subscription) is $1976.28 including tax and shipping. I should be getting a check for the first couple hundred in the mail tomorrow, so I'm on my way. Just need to keep it coming.
Are you using BD 6.1 or 6.2 (beta)? There are issues with CFC lookup in 6.1 that are addressed in 6.2.
I'm using 6.1. When 6.2 goes gold I'll definitely give it a whirl, assuming I haven't managed to fund a CFMX license.
OK, but:
- The problems you had on BD 6.1 may already be solved in BD 6.2, so you may have been able to save some effort and headache by using 6.2.
- If you don't try 6.2 until after the final release, and then find problems with it, it'll be a bit late. (That's what betas are for; yes, I know your complaint about providing a "free" testing service for us, but I wonder if you'd have the same complaint about participating in the Blackstone beta?).
Correct, 6.2 might well solve my problems. It might also introduce functionality that is useful to me, but which might be changed or removed for the official release.
I fully understand the purpose of beta products, and I have no qualms trying them out and looking for problems. However, I'm also not going to invest heavily developing on them, because it's quite possible to have things ripped out from under me. So even if 6.2 meets all my needs, I'm still not going to use it for active development until I'm confident that the code won't be in production until after 6.2 is officially released. I will pull down the 6.2 beta and try the code against it, but even if it does work flawlessly, the problems persist.
That goes exactly the same for any server product that I'm participate in beta testing with. The only exception would be if the application development is specifically targeted at the software version that is in beta, for obvious reasons.
Nothing's going to get "ripped out from under you". That's not the way we do things. When we put out a beta it means that all that's left is bug fixing. While we may add features in subsequent beta releases, we won't remove anything once it's been released publicly.
If you're fishing for contracts at a low hourly rate then let me know because I am always looking for affordable programmers that live in the states. Of course, all the CFML contracts I am envolved with are for BlueDragon.